Unleash Imagination,
Craft Emotion.

62nd Annual GRAMMY Awards

+ launch project+
Recording Academy
Music Entertainment

Recording Academy is a USA leading community of music professionals. We assisted the Recording Academy with creative direction along with musical genius Alicia Keys as the host.



Creating the creative direction for the Grammy Awards show presents challenges such as balancing tradition and relevance, meeting high expectations, managing diverse stakeholders, incorporating various musical genres, and executing complex technical elements. The goal is to create a cohesive and engaging show that honors the Grammy legacy while appealing to a wide range of audiences

design thinking

The process for Alicia Keys hosting the Grammys in 2019 involved aligning the visual elements with her identity, creating an elegant and sophisticated atmosphere, promoting inclusivity and diversity, collaborating with her creative vision, crafting engaging and memorable moments, and ensuring seamless transitions throughout the show. The goal was to capture Alicia Keys' essence, elevate the visual experience, and resonate with both the live and televised audience.


  1. Collaborative Planning: The design team would work closely with Alicia Keys, event organizers, and other stakeholders to understand the overall vision and objectives. They would gather input, ideas, and preferences to align the plan with Alicia Keys' style and the event's goals.
  2. Research and Inspiration: The team would conduct research, gather inspiration, and analyze previous Grammy Awards shows to identify successful elements and innovative ideas that could be incorporated into the plan. This would help in creating a unique and memorable experience.
  3. Design Concept Development: Based on the collaborative planning and research, the design team would develop a comprehensive concept that encompasses the visual elements, stage design, lighting, set pieces, multimedia displays, and interactive elements. This concept would align with the identified themes, identity, and desired atmosphere.
  4. Technical Feasibility Assessment: The team would assess the technical aspects involved in executing the plan, such as stage logistics, lighting requirements, multimedia integration, and live performance considerations. They would work closely with technical experts and production teams to ensure the plan can be successfully implemented within the given constraints.
  5. Iterative Refinement: The initial plan would undergo a process of iterative refinement, where feedback from stakeholders, including Alicia Keys, event organizers, and technical teams, would be incorporated. This iterative process would help fine-tune the plan and ensure it aligns with the desired vision.
  6. Implementation and Execution: Once the plan is finalized, the design team would collaborate with production crews, stage managers, lighting technicians, multimedia specialists, and other professionals involved in executing the plan. They would coordinate rehearsals, technical setups, and ensure seamless integration of all visual elements during the live show.
  7. Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation: Throughout the execution of the plan, the design team would continuously evaluate the results, gather feedback, and make any necessary adaptations or adjustments to enhance the overall experience. This feedback loop would ensure the plan's effectiveness and make any necessary improvements for future shows.

By following these steps, the design team would be able to find a solution and effectively execute the plan to host the Grammys with Alicia Keys in 2019, resulting in a visually captivating and memorable experience for both the live and televised audience.


  1. Memorable Performances: The show featured captivating and memorable performances from a diverse range of artists. The combination of Alicia Keys' hosting and the talented lineup created engaging and unforgettable moments for the audience.
  2. Inclusive Representation: The show highlighted the importance of inclusivity and diversity in the music industry. Through the performances, acceptance speeches, and overall presentation, the event celebrated artists from various backgrounds and genres, promoting a sense of unity and representation.
  3. Elevated Visual Experience: The design and execution of the show's visual elements enhanced the overall experience for both the live and televised audience. The stage design, lighting, set pieces, multimedia displays, and interactive elements all contributed to creating a visually stunning and immersive environment.
  4. Seamless Transitions and Flow: The careful planning and execution ensured smooth transitions between different segments, performances, and award presentations. This contributed to the overall flow of the show, maintaining the audience's engagement and keeping the energy high throughout the event.
  5. Positive Audience Reception: The award show received positive feedback from both attendees and viewers. The combination of the well-curated performances, Alicia Keys' hosting skills, and the visually appealing presentation contributed to a highly enjoyable and well-received event.
  6. Increased Viewership and Engagement: The successful execution of the show likely resulted in increased viewership and engagement. The buzz generated by the performances, memorable moments, and positive reviews likely attracted a wider audience, both during the live broadcast and in subsequent online interactions and discussions.

Overall, the successful award show of the Grammys with Alicia Keys hosting in 2019 left a lasting impact on the audience, showcasing remarkable performances, promoting inclusivity, providing an elevated visual experience, ensuring seamless transitions, and garnering positive reception and increased viewership.

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